Solterra Resort CDD

CDD "Townhall" Workshop - March 20

March 20

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Solterra Resort Amenity Center, 5200 Solterra Blvd., Davenport, FL 33837

The purpose of the "Townhall" Workshop is to discuss ongong matters of the District.  No action will be taken by the Board during the workshop.

Click here to join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer, mobile app or room device
(You may be asked to log in using or creating a Microsoft account)
Remember to turn off your camera, and mute your microphone.

**Mobile phone users may need to download the free Teams app if your browser version isn't supported.
Meeting ID: 256 851 652 309 
Passcode: JM3gu7J8

Or call in (audio only):  +1 904-348-0776
Find a local number
Phone Conference ID: 471 616 950# 
*6 Mute/Unmute
*5 Raise/Lower Hand


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